
A little Late

I have been sick for sometime, both mentally and physically. I spent Sunday that is women's day crying my heart out and in the throes of depression.. Needless to say nothing good came out of that and I realized how fruitless and meaningless my life is becoming with each passing day. Depression seems to have taken over me and I on many occassions find no reason whatever for being alive at that moment. I also realised that love does not come to you merely by giving love, if that was so I would have been happier and been loved a long time ago. So I am taking steps not to be living in this limbo forever, wanting and not getting and then feeling guilty for wanting..Its like going on a little holiday for me and Im looking forward to enjoy it. I feel quite relaxed already. Sigh.
I am damn sure that I dont want to spend days like sunday, crying and punishing myself for things i have not done,so pray to God i find a proper solution to my problems otherwise uprooting myself from everything around me and starting afresh would be the only choice left.

PS:- Happy Women's Day to all the lovely ladies reading this..and to the guys:I hope you appreciate them being around and if you do, dont hesitate in showing them coz all we need is a little bit of love.


Lena said...

sometimes we just need to cry, to vent our pain... but am sure you are strong enough to deal with whatever comes your way :)
take good care!

Anil Sawan said...

Agree to what Lena has said. Good that you are quite relaxed already. U take care dear. some times searching for happiness never bring us a smile. its the way of life and its the way it should be. chill..

Chanchal said...

This is not true, Dyuti. Of course, there must be people loving you, for instance your parents and relatives and the kind of love you are referring to, I have no experience but even without that I can say, it takes time for the right note to hit...

All apart, there are times when nothing seems to go right, our ways become too thorny to walk upon, but at the end of the day, you see you belong to the mightiest species on the earth, so can't afford to lose, fight back with passion.

I really want you to live your good life, nicely, to serve the purpose, let me know if I can be of any little use, it should be my pleasure...

Every crest is followed by a trough...


A Poetess said...

@lena n sawan: thanks for ur comments, makes me happy to know people share stuff.

@ban:i wasnt talking only of the man woman love that you have been referring to, i also have been facing rejection n dissapointment in other relations as well...btw,u talk like a lot of my friends, so i think we might turn to be quite good friends n oddly enough ur crest & trough allegory reminded me of economics, i think i've been studying too much dese days :P

Chanchal said...

We might turn out to be good friends?

I thought we already are!

Anyways, I look forward to this brand new bond through eyes of respect, love and all I can hope is that it goes a long way, to get stronger with time...

Stay well


Arnav said...

well yes we do need love .. all the time..
but instead of looking for it around u .. look for it within..
This way u wud be happy immortally :)

Have a look at my blog specially


PhilO♥ said...

Such came across your blog.
you know, people feel sad. They feel guilty. They feel depressed. If you stop thinking that you're sad and just you know ignore it all, you'll feel good. Like think that sadness is the dirt on your body. take a shower and remove it all. Don't be all sad sad. sadness slowly kills a person. As per love..umm...I really don't know what to say right now. Cause I don't believe in any kind of love at this moment. I do, but don't wanna talk about it right now!
You take care!
You have a great blog. Specially the emo picture in the right side pane!
Check out my blog if you feel like to!

Indrajit said...


You write really well.

Wel..my experience says tht we wd b th hapiest if we r happy with ourselves. our state of being...

And not fidn it in othrs...

I felt so before...

And we all are precious beings in this world wiht a midn of our own..

What you feel , -- nthing worng in it.. ODn't suppress thm.. let thme come....

Those feels wd disappear soon...

No Gyan.

But just somke lines..

Kepp writing more and do visit my blog...


man in painting said...

it is natural..it was the first act we all did when we came to this world..it was the sign the labour room people were looking for..the sign of life..the first cry..
it is the most natural thing..
nice and genuine..
take care
be happy even when you cry..

Jagjit said...


Olive Oyl said...

belated Happy Women's Day! and your information on my blog has been a real help. To err is human but it's better if someone rectifies them ;) and you write really nice poems. hope to see more :)

A Poetess said...

I've been a real meanie in not having replied to all for ages..a thousand apologies ..Thanks for all Ur words of appreciation and love...Really made me worth sharing my weak spots out here in the open like this.
And you don't need to ask me to visit your blogs, because that's what I generally do when anyone comments here, bcoz I want to know them too!
