Have you ever seen a butterfly ,without a wing?
On a thin thread of hope,to life,trying to cling.
Shivering and fluttering,obviously in great pain.
It goes on with the slightest hope of flying again.
But this butterfly is wounded,it has no right to fly.
To fly you have to be perfect,that is until you die.
The butterfly's wings are broken,lying helplessly beside.
The butterfly flutters hoping to take it in its stride.
Butv the butterfly forgets that it is imperfect.
Mutilated and tainted, it is different from its sect.
A thing without a wing can never fly.
It is bound to this earth till it can die.
Imperfection is curse that binds noone else.
In anticipation of more blows,the butterfly is always tense.
The butterfly is convinced it'll fly one day.
It'll shout and scream,make the world hear its say.
But its dreams are unachievable,its dreams are high.
Without wings,oh you foolish one,how can you ever fly?
So give up the stupid hope,just stop believing.
You are just another broken insect whose body into dust they'll fling.
Do you really think the world has a care?
You're in it alone,fly if you dare.
Of course I'm mocking you,cant you see?
Without wings you'll fly?How can that ever be?
You lie there with your bloodless wound.
Writhing and fluttering in shame on the ground.
The other butterflies just come and flit away.
Some are there for a longer time but they never do stay.
The butterfly wants to fly,maybe a lift with wings?
But the others dont have the strenght to carry the shame it brings.
And the butterfly is proud,it'll never ask for help.
You can trample its multi-colored wings with your boots,but it'll never yelp.
The butterfly is silent,it has no voice.
And even if it did,it would be quiet out of its own choice.
The butterfly lies there writhing in agony and pain.
Trying to touch the skies,trying in vain.
And then the butterfly lies still,it flutters no more.
The broken wings are calm,it's time will come for sure.
When it'll fly,it'll fly with the high wind.
All ties to the earthly world it will rescind.
Till that time the butterfly awaits in inertia.
Waiting in knowledge,which for others is trivia.
The sands of time is running,the end will surely come.
The peaceful end which a new beginning may become.....
wel dis was a decent one but ive seen better frm u...i cud imagine the entire episode as i read through it.
although i got a complain to make...more of a request...al i read frm u is sooo gloomy(quite unlike u).
Hi to be honest I never ever read poems and ever write to anybody this one it really touched my heart I don’t know how reached ur blog right now am abt hundred’s of miles away from home I so wannna fly back home and to all the people that Loved me and specially to the girl I love a lot i just wish I had wings i feel so helpless and broken when i came to know that she forget me and it still feels like yesterday when we first kissed .Love is a funny thing it can really change you when u least expect it …. I don’t know why am i telling you all this I just wanted to tell you the words u wrote they touched me hope I am able to express myself with theses humble broken words ….
2 swaps:hey swaps,thnx 4 sharing a part of ur emotions wid me,isnt tht wot this blog is supposed to be?? i no hw u feel,wish we had wings,bt unfortunately we dnt so we have 2 use our imaginary 1s like i do thru my poems...nice 2 hear tht they touched ur heart n came 2 sum use 2 sum1 atleast...
btw,im vry curios 2 no whr didcha reach my blog 4rm??
2 anshu:i think i gave my feedbck 2 u personally 2day bt nt all of it,sum ive replied 2 in the comments section itself so pls do chk them out...
n swaps sumtimes words are nt required 2 express wot u feel,the emotions come thru by itself,hope 2 hear more 4rm ya ...cheerios!
Thanks for your words ----
Words --- we are so dependent on it for everything... to be successful is it just a matter of time how u quickly u can command it.
And yet it is so easy to be misunderstood.
Few miss understood words have brought abt wars between friends.
Few spoken words comforts the aching heart.
I envy the animals b'caus they say it best even when they say nothing at all.
wen u r ppl around whom u r comfy enuf n who care abt u ...u can speak lots widout 1nce opening ur lips....words become a mere tool then!
Well, written but I guess the mockin part was a lil too harsh... NAyways, it's what individual thought patterns are all about. Keep it rollin budddy:)
wher r da new onez??
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