I have been fighting these tears--on the brink tears.
Fighting all the too loud questions and the fears.
It seems to be déjà vu all over for me again.
Just after flushed happiness comes the pain.
I’d said to myself a long ago that I wouldn't do this.
But here I am, betrayed by my latent wishes.
The questions stay bottled up inside.
Pounding my head; relief only when I’ve cried.
All the doubts in my mind are killing me.
What keeps you silent? When I need you to feel me.
Slowly a yawning hole is opening in my soul.
It’s only a matter of time before its shows in my eyes.
I hope you know what you want, no mistake.
Its only love that lasts, the passion pales in its wake.
When you’ve made up your mind, knock on my door.
But the door closes behind you, so you gotta be sure.
If it isn’t love, I won’t hold you to anything
But beyond this point, there is no going back.